This kind of building usually takes several years from survey to design to construction and completion.
In the plan of coming to Atlas State, the building was to be completed before the tunnel. Who would have thought that the current tunnel would be opened to traffic? They didn’t even decide on the plan of Atlas State.
____ _w_w_w________
Zhuang is not far away, but he has achieved "ten buildings"
It’s really too high to build God’s great power. It’s estimated that there will be a "Atlas of the State" comparable to the "Magic Mountain Tunnel" in the project, and it will come soon.
"You are too busy to do anything."
"It is good for you to make a call or send a representative for such a small matter …"
They looked at each other and waved their hands not far from Zhuang. "I just want to hear and see if you are not worried about coming to the future meeting."
"Then let’s do it …" Jia Yelian said. "After the meeting, we have contacted several architectural design masters from several major architectural design offices around the world, and now we have got some initial plans and sketches. Please come and have a look …"
Soon, a lot of materials were handed to Zhuang, not far away, and all the secrets were arranged and bound.
"First of all, it is designed by the victory of Midi State …"
A picture is projected, and people look at Zhuang not far away and frown and don’t talk. Only then do they carefully express their opinions. "This architectural design is a bit old-fashioned …"
"It doesn’t quite match our innovation and future theme …"
"That surface is …"
Many people choose to choose, many of them are construction practitioners, and their eyes are also very sharp. Many people directly Pass a lot of designs in one sentence.
In the end, three designs were left behind.
"Then we will discuss with these three companies and choose a plan?" Jia Yelian consulting all the way
Large-scale building design is a huge project, especially in the initial design of super high-rise buildings, there are too many factors to consider and we must be cautious.
They all don’t have any different opinions. They frown not far from Zhuang.
"Manager Zhuang, you haven’t spoken. Do you have any comments?" Jia Yelian asked Zhuang not far way
"Well, none of these three design schemes are good, and there is a big problem."
"Ah?" Jia Yelian wondered and then asked, "Manager Zhuang, what do you think?"
"Manager Zhuang is also a master in the construction industry. He must have thought-provoking insights."
"Or did we fail to see this big problem without the wisdom of General Manager Zhuang?"
"I also think there is something missing from this building, but I just don’t know what it is."
"Manager Zhuang, what kind of building do you think is a good building?"
"Manager Zhuang, please give directions." Some people take it out and record it.
"Manager Zhuang, please order one. I’ll let them contact the right place at once."
Not far from Zhuang, sit up straight and scan a circle of people.
They all pricked up their ears for fear that if they don’t listen carefully, they will be beaten by Zhuang.
Then they heard Zhuang’s far-sighted vision saying, "I don’t have any other requirements for this building …"
"Be big, thick and long!"
Wow …
The conference room was full of people falling all over the floor.
Chapter 53 Huge building fanaticism powder
Not far from Zhuang, the requirements are not high.
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