This sphere is about the size of a golden sphere, but it captures the ball, that is, the surface is covered with the ocean
When Lynn approached it and tried to touch it, it also disappeared.
Because it’s something like a stereoscopic image.
On the golden sphere is no longer in its original position.
There are miniature arms on the surface of Yinlin golden sphere … Now we can know that the golden sphere has reached another position.
It’s amazing that this micro-unit can’t see the surrounding environment of the golden sphere, and all its perception abilities … can see that the surrounding area is turbid.
There is a feeling of bee wrapped in strong smoke.
If you leave the surface of the golden sphere, these arms will get lost and can’t find anything in this turbidity.
Although they can’t see their surroundings, they can still help Lin locate the golden sphere.
Its position seems to be the third roller.
Thinking about Lin, I let this fluffy ball fly to the virtual … Go and see where the golden sphere is.
At the same time, the first roller also left some arms here to continue to observe the earthquake and other changes here, that … potholes.
There seems to be something moving in the front hole … but the vibration of the golden sphere stopped after it left.
So Lin let some arms fly directly into the hole to observe, but the pompoms still went after the golden sphere.
Because Lin thinks … Maybe those dream maintenance fields are still connected to the’ database’. The disappearance of the golden sphere just now is the database.
I don’t know what will leave an image in situ … I always have to go and see it first.
The third roller is far from the first one, but there is energy in the virtual space, and Lin’s 300-meter fluffy ball has a belt conveyor
The fluffy ball flew to the virtual place and received some energy, then locked the target position and sent it.
In an instant … Lin saw an interesting scenery.
This is a green land.
There are many objects with different shapes on the ground, and their shapes are mostly like marine life.
So this land is also like a terrestrial coral reef, which is not as colorful as coral reefs.
They are … pure green.
Lin can see some large coral-like objects moving when the pompoms fly to the surface.
They are hundreds of meters high and have many small holes on their surfaces.
However, when the pompoms approach, many small holes on their surfaces proliferate … small thorns.
This world is called’ imitation star’
The temperature of the first tumble is close to the common … lava, and the third tumble is the environment here … which is very suitable for most star alliance species of cell biology.
A long time ago, the Star Alliance came here, and they decided to take the first and second resources and the third to live.
It is said that the scene at that time was similar to that now.
This is amazing because the first roller has changed a lot.
And here … It was so green before.
The Star Alliance ship landed on the surface after investigating that there was no threat.
Their investigation at that time … was not so accurate.
Because the world is full of … weird things.
These are the green objects.
When the colonial buildings landed on the surface, the first residents decided to have experimental sex here … Those green objects on the ground moved.
They change rapidly.
Then the residents suddenly found that … they had many more neighbors.
At first, it was found that there were many rooms around them that were the same as colonial buildings, and then it was found that many creatures like them appeared in these rooms
And these creatures will greet them …
These are all the green objects on the ground.
At first, they brought the ground substance back to study, which was considered as a’ soft but harmful substance’.
It’s true that this substance was nothing special when they first studied it, and of course it wouldn’t move.
But when they live on the surface, these substances move.
They will imitate the surrounding biological buildings and everything different from them.
That is, the colonists
Whether it’s architecture or biology, or the furniture and decorations in the building, they can all learn.
And they will be … randomized.
That is to say, they imitate not identical copies. For example, if there are ten kinds of furniture in a building, they may imitate a building with similar shapes but not the same ones.
The same is true for them to imitate creatures, and they will not be exactly the same as the objects they imitate
This led some residents who didn’t see their deformation directly to mistake them for new colonial neighbors.
These imitators will be’ clumsy’ at first, such as what they will say hello to.
But gradually, they can learn to live like imitators, such as eating, sleeping, exercising and so on.
Of course, what they’ eat’ is also a changed food.
At the same time, they will also chat with them, mainly depending on how long they have been imitating.
The longer the imitation, the richer the individual knowledge.
But they also have a characteristic, that is, they never obey orders.
If you want them to do something, they will definitely refuse.
They will live a daily life … imitating the target day after day.
Now Lin see seems to be the case.
When the fluffy ball approaches, many small burrs grow on the surface of those green objects, and they keep growing.
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