He didn’t want the enemy to agree to be such a friend because of the wrong time.
Now, there’s a big battle with Luning tourmaline, and this friend will definitely not be able to go.
He came here with friends, but he really took up the name of friends.
Bailingxian was also present that day, of course, and I also know that I didn’t see the ghost green wry smile in general.
Led the ghost green came to the front of my old house.
Xiao Bai Mo Wa greeted the ghost green as a gift. She met San Tai. My master is not here, and the hostess is waiting for you in the house.
Ghost green slightly dazed leng a tourmaline is not there?
Well, my host has gone to do something, and it is estimated that he will be back soon. Now the hostess is at home in Santai.
Uh, okay
Although ghost green hesitated a little, he stepped in.
Today, he actually listened to his father’s order to see when tourmaline will take the next step to prepare for the celestial competition.
After all, today’s general Lu Ning in the underworld is injured, and the strength of the underworld is bound to be greatly reduced. It is estimated that no one has figured out what Lucifer is thinking in his heart.
So what the underworld can do now is to test whether the contradiction between tourmaline and the underworld can be eliminated.
It would be great if it could be eliminated.
If one thousand can’t eliminate a tourmaline, it will be enough to replace Lucifer, the demon king. He is powerful in the spirit world, and now the vassal listens to his orders in tourmaline.
That is to say, compared with the power of the underworld, tourmaline’s personal strength is complete today.
In this way, it is not necessary for the underworld to meet the object.
If tourmaline can be used to deal with the weakening of the celestial power, the final result can be achieved.
At this juncture, Mingqing can say that more than half of Hades Satan’s coming again is due to this lobbyist’s life.
But now tourmaline actually no longer doesn’t know whether it’s really absent or not, so it’s deliberately avoided.
However, regardless of the original battle of Luning tourmaline, it is still foggy in all walks of life today.
Not white heart and soul to tourmaline Chai Wanying showed great kindness. How did the general of the underworld provoke the great anger of tourmaline when his strength was not enough?
I didn’t hesitate to lose-lose, so I fought in the human world to make a good situation and turned it into this mess.
Ghost green intuition thinking about it must be Chai Wanying this human little woman.
After all, Mingqing always thinks that Luning’s politeness to tourmaline seems to be due to his unusual affection for the woman who gave them expired milk to drink human beings.
But the ghost green intuition is just that.
At the moment, after all, he didn’t imagine such things as Lu Ning Chai Wanying in his mind. After all, Lu Ning’s vision and high vision are famous in all walks of life
So how can a man who yearns for high power and potential put a generation like Chai Wanying, who is practicing non-mana, together to daydream?
From this point of view, I don’t know whether to say that Mingqing is too clever or that Luning Chai Wanying is really convincing.
Therefore, Ming Qing wanted to think that it is ok to get a condom from Chai Wanying’s mouth while tourmaline is away.
That is, the size of the living room has not changed compared with the previous place, but the pattern, furniture and decoration taste have changed.
I don’t know, it’s becoming more and more like a human home.
Chai Wanying smiled at him in front of the sofa. You’re here. Sit down.
Chapter 45 scary
Ghost Qing looked at Chai Wanying’s face, and it was more refreshing than pleasant to see her face.
The body still exudes this lightly leisurely breath and smells of happiness.
Let Mingqing also have to admit that although she is still handsome and ordinary, she is much more beautiful when she sees her again than before.
Let him be jealous and envious of life.
Is it so good here?
The more comfortable a person can cross.
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